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The Ideal Place to Retire

One of the fun things that I hear from most ‘pre-retirees’ is that they have several options to consider while they are deciding where they will eventually light. They can stay where they are, sell and downsize in another part of town, sell and move out of state or the

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The Enduring ‘Everything’ Market

I’ve been trying to define the current stock market. There has been some volatility – the big dip in 2020, a couple of corrections in 2022 and then there was the a month or so of downside in the 2nd quarter of this year. But overall, we’ve enjoyed a steady

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Can You Afford a Home? Save a Bit More…

One of the biggest drivers of the American economy is the purchase of a home. The housing industry employs so many different people… who all ‘generally’ pay taxes and they in-turn invest what they make into other sectors of the economy. And, there are the indirect costs of home ownership

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Slow Down Your Aging

The key to a good financial plan is to develop a strategy that helps you accumulate assets during your working years to create enough income to maintain a lifestyle in retirement that you don’t outlive. To do that planning, we need to know something that’s impossible to predict. That’s ‘how

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